The more VMware PSO engagements I work with, the more interesting use cases and requirements I gather from our customers which drive me to write and share for the sake of helping others.
In a recent vRA design engagement where compute/storage resources are assigned on a customer’s project basis, a reservation is created to designate the resources needed for the project. A user working on several projects should be able to select the reservation which the requested VM should consume resources from. This approach will help the IT department to assign a complete pool of resources for a specific project for a department and perform the billing accordingly.
They requested to have a drop down menu that allows the user to select from a list of available projects during run time. The solution was to create reservation policies for each reservation (project) and find a way to show this list to the consumer to select from during request time from the portal.
The below post demonstrates how to add a drop down menu that will dynamically retrieve reservation policies by user context. This means that it retrieves reservation policies for the requesting user only. If you submit a request on behalf of another user, the reservation policies are for you. For example, Reservation 1 and Reservation 3 are associated with Business Group 1, so the BG1 users see only Reservations 1 and 3, not 2.
The steps to achieve this are detailed below:
Create Custom Property
Login to your vRA tenant administration portal with a user that has the Fabric Administrator assigned role. Navigate to Administration tab -> Property Dictionary ->Property Definitions.

Click New to create a custom property in property definitions (Data type: string, Display as: dropdown, values: external).

Click Select and choose the getApplicableReservationPolicies VRO script action available in the action folder com.vmware.vra.reservations. This is available as an OOTB script action starting with vRA/vRO 7.x. Click OK.

Click OK to create the custom property.

Add Custom Property to your Blueprints
Navigate to Design tab -> Blueprints. Select your blueprint and click Edit.

Navigate to Properties -> Custom Properties. Click New to add your custom property (Encrypted: No, Overridable: Yes, Show in Request: Yes). Click Finish.

Check the Reservation Policies Drop Down Menu in action
Login to your self-service vRA portal as a business group consumer. Navigate to Catalog tab to request a service.

You can see the dropdown menu which displays the reservation policies by user context. The user will select a project and click Submit to process the request (VM Provisioning).

Hope this post is informative,
Thanks for reading,
Mohamad Alhussein
Thank you Mohamad. Very helpful.
Thank you Hitz, Happy to hear that you found it helpful.
Thanks for the post it’s an interesting use case.
I have implemented it and at first it didn’t work. I found that the name of the custom property must be exactly ReservationPolicyID
As is explained in the documentation: https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Automation/7.4/com.vmware.vra.prepare.use.doc/GUID-7C0718B2-3C65-47A6-8621-2559611ADCB1.html