Recently I installed site recovery manager SRM version 8.2 for one of our customers where there is a requirement for all solutions to use a custom certificate signed by their internal CA authority. While installing SRM, I came into one…
It has been a while I didn’t write any blog due to my short time handling multiple PSO projects with a lot of traveling. Today I am going to share with you the procedure you can follow to migrate VMKernel…
One of the customer requirements I have been asked to do a couple of days ago is to filter the transit subnets from being re-distributed from the NSX-T domain to the upstream physical router. When you attach a tier-1 logical…
I was preparing for a NSX-v engagement recently where the customer was so curious about the redundancy of all integrated components with the NSX environment. They insisted to add all their 3 local DNS servers to the NSX manager. Normally,…
NSX-T 2.4.x manager is an appliance with 3 built-in roles: policy manager, manager, and controller. The management plane contains the policy and the manager roles. The central control plane includes the controller role. The NSX-T manager cluster is formed by…
In my previous post, I shared a step-by-step procedure to deploy NSX-T 2.4.1 manager. In this post, I am gonna move one step ahead and configure NSX-T licensing and register my home lab vCenter compute manager with NSX-T Data Center.…
I have been designing and deploying NSX-v solutions as part of my PSO role for the past 3 years. Aside with that, I decided to start my journey towards NSX-T and especially starting with version 2.4.x which in my opinion…
Recently I decided to decommission a node from my vSAN-based home lab cluster hosted on the cloud to decrease the cost of my powered on servers. I want to share with you the correct procedure so that it is beneficial…
Recently I have been engaged in a NSX-v PSO engagement where we need to make sure all the best practices are applied to the environment. Trust me, with every engagement, you learn something new as it is always the business…
The more VMware PSO engagements I work with, the more interesting use cases and requirements I gather from our customers which drive me to write and share for the sake of helping others. In a recent vRA design engagement where…